Thursday 23 August 2007

An earful


Lee said...

That's brilliant MR! Any chance you'd let me reproduce that (with links back here) on my blog?

Michael Villegas said...

Great concept and execution...

how do you create your texture? just curious...

nonstickplans said...

Nicole, You're welcome to use this on your blog. Thanks for asking.

Michael, the texture comes from an obscure photoshop brush which I renamed and can't find the original in the brush library. It may have come from Photoshop Elements like the brush I use for the line.

All but one of the (139!) images on Nonstick have been digital ('fishface' was a painting). I spent three months at the beginning of the year doing a children's book in coloured pencils and got so sick of sharpening pencils and trying to get smooth gradations that I haven't touched them since. I'd like to start doing the odd 'proper' drawing, just for variety, but they don't work so well at the size I post stuff here.