This little watercolour of a lady with big hair and big hat, presumably in the Edwardian style, is one of the more serious efforts in grandma’s autograph album. It was painted and signed by Grace Ittner, 19th February, 1908. I can tell you no more about it or about Grace Ittner. However, about a month after she painted it the fourth modern Olympic Games opened in London and the length of the Marathon was fixed at 42.195km or 26.2 miles, the distance between
Windsor Castle and the Royal Box in the Olympic stadium. You heard it hear first (if you haven't heard it before).
On the next page is this little ditty:
Life.A little fun, a little play,A little laughter day by day,A little school and we’ll confessA little bit of waywardness,A little grief, a little woe,As down the later years we go.A little love, a little strife,A deal of hope, and this is life.Yours sincerelyMabel Green, Avery Hill College 1908-10
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