Back in March I posted some drawings from a book I did at college on Pavlov and his dogs. Since then I’ve been given the opportunity to have it published but it all needs to be rethought, rewritten and redrawn, as it was all done very hurriedly first time round. I’ve been working on it for over a month and seem to be making little progress, apart from amassing a roomful of research.
Here’s a drawing of ‘someone’ looking at the problem from the wrong direction. Who could it be?
Congratulations on the publishing opportunity!
Thanks, Nicole. All I've got to do now is finish the thing, which should only take me twenty years.
congrats on teh publishing gig!!
'the doggy nine steps'
the K9 summit.
rex mundi.
sirius, canis major - the dog stair...
The last one's messy. A dog's breakfast.
Thanks for the alternative titles, Dave. I like K9 summit. I hope you don't waste as much time as I do trying to think them up.
One of the difficulties with titles is trying to come up with something that is not just a pun but reinforces the 'meaning' of the drawing. Sometimes it takes longer than the drawing. Sometimes I can't get my head round it at all and a simple pun has to do. Sometimes I wish the title came first but it almost never does. Life is hard (sometimes).
puns are a worthy pursuit no matter how long it takes.
most of mine are incredibly bad, but every now and then I score a win. Really enjoy your non stick plans. keep it up!!
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