Wednesday 18 February 2009


This was going to be a week on the theme of busts, but the dreaded apathitis has struck again.
Here's a photo I took when I was about 17, at London Zoo. I thought at the time that it showed a lot of penguinuity on my part, but have since seen a thousand variations, usually used for caption competitions.


Michael Villegas said...

Thanks for the comment, Mike!

After I posted the sketch, I realized that I needed to tighten up the leaves and maybe extend the stalk/antenna. I like this process, to SEE my work instead of throwing it out there.

I have a touch of sketchitis in my elbow, and that seems to be the only thing I can produce; sketches.

nonstickplans said...

Elbow grease is the answer, Mike. If you find any I could do with a jar myself.